Wall of red light

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

If you’re one of millions of men experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED), you understand the significant impact and challenges it brings. But here’s the reassuring part: you’re not alone.

ED is very common. It affects approximately a third of the male population, putting it among the most prevalent sexual dysfunctions.

The ability to have an erection requires complex coordination among muscles, blood vessels, nerves and the brain. A number of factors – often in combination – can disturb this coordination and cause erectile dysfunction.

These factors include hormonal, vascular, and neurological disorders, as well as certain chronic diseases and the natural aging process. In addition, psychological issues, such as anxiety, depression, or performance concerns, also play a role in nearly every case to some extent.

Besides traditional approaches like medication and surgery, natural treatments are becoming increasingly popular for management. In particular, red light therapy has attracted attention from both medical professionals and individuals with ED seeking treatment.

In this article, we’ll delve into the application of red light therapy for treating erectile dysfunction.

Does Red Light Therapy Work for Erectile Dysfunction?

Light at certain wavelengths has been scientifically shown to interact with the body in beneficial ways.

Red light, including both red and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths, is known for its healing properties within the electromagnetic spectrum. It’s considered one of the best ways to invigorate the body and is now utilized as a new form of therapy called "Photobiomodulation."

Red and NIR light are chosen because they have the unique ability to deeply penetrate human tissue. As a result, they boost cellular metabolism, increase ATP production, and give your body the energy it requires to fight diseases while aiding healing.

In the same way, red light therapy supports sexual health and penile health by improving blood circulation, reducing inflammation, and correcting hormonal imbalances. By doing so, it effectively tackles the root causes of erectile dysfunction, assisting in its treatment.

Red Light Therapy Increases Cellular Energy

Tiny organelles called mitochondria are present in most of our body’s cells, and their job is to convert raw materials into a kind of cell-based fuel called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). But sometimes, this process falters, leaving cells running on empty and affecting their performance. If many cells are affected, the whole system suffers. This condition is known as mitochondrial dysfunction.

Chronic psychological stress, disease, and inflammation can cause mitochondrial dysfunction. Red light therapy has been shown to increase ATP production, improving cellular function overall.

What Is the Significance of Cellular Function to ED?

Low testosterone production, or “Low T,” is a common cause of erectile dysfunction, especially among men over 40. However, even younger men with unusually low testosterone levels can experience this issue.

As we’ve mentioned, red light stimulates the mitochondria. This treatment also positively influences the proliferation and normal functioning of other cells, including men’s Leydig cells.

The Leydig cells are tasked with producing testosterone. When their mitochondria get activated, they produce more ATP, leading to increased testosterone production by the cells.

Multiple studies highlight the effectiveness of red light therapy in enhancing testosterone levels, suggesting it as a possible alternative to conventional testosterone treatment.

Even in cases of psychological impotence, increasing testosterone levels – even when they’re already in the normal range – can help break the cycle of dysfunction. While addressing the hormonal causes behind ED isn’t always simple, light therapy seems promising in this regard.

Red Light Therapy Increases Blood Circulation

Erectile dysfunction is often due to poor circulation, which is one of the reasons why men with diabetes and heart disease struggle with it. High blood glucose levels can make blood vessels less flexible and narrower, impeding blood flow.

Using red light therapy to improve blood flow is one way to manage erectile dysfunction. Both red and near-infrared wavelengths penetrate the skin and promote vasodilation in penile blood vessels, making it easier to achieve and maintain an erection.

An older research study investigating diabetes-induced peripheral artery diseases revealed that red light therapy caused vasodilation in both healthy and diabetic blood vessels. These findings suggest potential benefits not only for managing diabetic vascular conditions but also for conditions like erectile dysfunction, where poor circulation is the main cause.

Red Light Therapy Reduces Inflammation

While inflammation may not directly cause low testosterone levels, it can be a contributing factor. Inflammation is associated with cancer, obesity, and diabetes, all of which are also linked to ED. Hence, it’s reasonable to consider that reducing chronic inflammation could potentially improve sexual function.

Red light therapy could help with testosterone production and infertility by reducing chronic inflammation, thereby creating an ideal environment for cells to function.

Other Benefits of Red Light Therapy That Can Aid in the Treatment of ED

While the three benefits we’ve talked about are the primary ways through which red light therapy treats erectile dysfunction, there are also a few indirect pathways.

Red Light for General Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Unfortunately, there’s a strong link between mental health and ED. Anxiety, depression, and seasonal affective disorder can all disrupt your sex drive, leading to low libido and performance troubles.

Red light therapy is a proven mood booster that can help alleviate various mental health issues. 

In one study, participants with depression and sexual issues received near-infrared lamp therapy for 20-30 minutes per session over several weeks. By the end of the trial, all reported significant improvements in libido and sexual arousal.

Red Light Therapy Improves Thyroid and Adrenal Health

Did you know that adrenal fatigue and low thyroid can make you feel tired without any reason and can contribute to ED?

In fact, bad thyroid levels are detrimental to all aspects of sexual health. Thyroid hormone is essential for energy production, leading to better performance. 

Moreover, the thyroid also acts as a direct stimulus for the testes, signaling them to start testosterone production. From this perspective, it is sort of a “master hormone" of your body.

Therefore, improving adrenal health through light therapy should be one of the first steps for men with ED. This experiment confirms the long-term positive effects of red light on the adrenal and thyroid glands.

Red Light Therapy Aids in Weight Loss

Men who are obese may have diabetes, hypertension, and elevated cholesterol, all of which can contribute to erectile dysfunction.

The use of red light therapy has been proven to aid in fat loss, as described in this research article. The authors present an intriguing mechanism through which the therapy stimulates fat loss within just a few minutes; wavelengths cause temporary leaks inside fat cells, causing them to escape. The red light also accelerates the death of fat cells.

However, it’s important to remember that red light therapy isn’t a miracle cure for reducing weight. In conjunction with routine exercise and a healthy, balanced diet, it could play a crucial role in the right fat loss regimen.

How to Use Red Light Therapy for ED

Here’s how you reap the benefits of red light therapy for treating erectile dysfunction and improving sexual health.

Choose the Right RLT Device

The treatment of ED at home implies that your main target is the penis, the testicles, and the thyroid. It’s possible to treat each of these by using specialized RLT devices.

For the best results, you may want an LED light therapy device that delivers red and NIR light in a variety of wavelengths. We suggest going with red light therapy panels since they provide greater intensity and coverage.

Weak handheld devices simply don’t have the energy output to “push” light into the tissues where Leydig cells are found.

Use RLT Panels Consistently

Being consistent with your treatment is the key to getting optimum results. Regular sessions may help with achieving and maintaining healthy testosterone (and thyroid) levels. We recommend aiming for at least three to five treatments per week, each of 3-20 minutes.

Since red light therapy works at the cellular level, it may take several weeks for you to start seeing the results.

The Bottom Line: Switch on the Red Light to Fight ED

To conclude, red light therapy proves to be an excellent holistic approach to treating erectile dysfunction. Whether addressing specific sexual concerns or pursuing overall well-being, it can help in various regards.

Are you ready to start your wellness journey? Browse through our Hooga light therapy devices and experience the benefits of red light therapy from the comfort of your home.
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