Red and Near Infrared Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy Beds vs Panels
In recent times, red light therapy has gained popularity as a remedy for various health concerns. Red light therapy is said to offer a multitude of benefits, ranging from tissue repair,...
Using Red Light Therapy to Support Wound Healing
Our body’s ability to repair itself is truly fascinating. However, sometimes, this process may get delayed or suppressed, putting you at a greater risk of infection and prolonged pain. Red...
Red Light Therapy Masks vs Panels
Modern technology has made achieving youthful, fresh skin more accessible than ever, fulfilling a timeless desire. And it’s all thanks to red light therapy! You can enhance your skin's appearance...
Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Fall and Winter
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s triggered by changing seasons. During the fall and winter months, as the days become darker and shorter, it can get...
4 Ways to Include Red Light Therapy Into Your D...
From balancing circadian rhythm to producing vitamin D, natural light offers a multitude of benefits for human beings. Unfortunately, in the present age, our bodies are severely under-illuminated. We spend...
Earthing and Grounding: A Comprehensive Guide
It’s a long-known fact that the sun is our primary source of energy that supports life on Earth. But, it is unknown to some that Mother Earth also releases subtle...