Red and Near Infrared Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy vs Infrared Light Sauna
If you have been paying any attention to trends in the health and wellness industries in recent years, you have undoubtedly heard of the growing interest in red light therapy...
Red Light Therapy & Blood Flow
Inside all of us, many moving parts are working together to keep us going. Fortunately, it all moves automatically, and we should never have to concentrate on it thanks to...
Red Light Therapy & ATP Production
Red and near infrared light therapy stimulates the mitochondria in our cells to produce ATP, which leaves our cells with more energy to carry out their necessary functions.
Natural Sleep/Wake Cycle & Light
For many of us, we go to bed in the late-night hours and wake up early for work, feeling sluggish and heavy. Then, when the weekend rolls around, we barely...
Red Light Therapy & ACL Surgery
If there's one body part we take for granted, it's our knees. If they're in pain or injured, we're relatively immobilized. Having a slight knee injury or knee pain foreshadows...
Green Light Therapy & Migraines
According to global statistics, approximately for every 1 million human beings on earth, roughly 3000 of them will experience a migraine today alone. That's 0.3% of the earth's population, and although it...